
Can the spray plating be silkscreen printed?

As we all know, in the cosmetics packaging industry, spray plating and screen printing are extremely common and important processes. However, when the screen printing process is carried out on the spray plating parts, the problem of ink adhesion is often not firm. This is a headache for all makeup people, but is this problem really difficult to solve?

About the problem of insufficient adhesion of screen printing products after spraying, there are no more than two reasons: problem, it may be that the ink itself is not cohesive enough to cause the ink film to be fixed; 2.The problem of spraying parts, the reason why the chemical factor on the surface of the spraying parts is not suitable for the ink.

Based on the two reasons of the appeal analysis, we found two solutions.

Solution 1: Choose a more cohesive ink _American ink. The ink has a variety of advantages, such as 1. UV curable ink jet with a wide range of substrate adaptability; 2.. High adhesion and high productivity of high curing for a variety of substrates; 3. The use of the highest light resistance of organic pigments; 4. This ink quality has a strong stability.

Solution 2: Plasma treatment before screen printing — Plasma surface treatment is a technology that processes the surface through plasma, which can improve the adhesion, wettability and chemical activity of the surface, so as to improve the adhesion and uniformity of the printing ink or pad printing ink on the surface. In the field of screen printing, the application of plasma surface treatment technology has brought a significant improvement to the quality and stability of the product.

Good products are produced, only professional personnel, advanced equipment can make high

quality products! Bmei Plastic invested in the introduction of a new type of equipment -

automatic two-color screen printing machine, which not only solves the problem of the

combination of plating parts and screen printing process, but also improves the quality of

printing products and production efficiency.


The working principle of automatic two-color screen printing machine:

Using plasma softening technology, the surface tension of the product is greatly improved, and

the adhesion, hydrophilicity and adhesive force of the ink are greatly enhanced. The color

printing ink is firm and reliable in the adhesion printing spray printing ink, and does not fade

away the ink.


Automatic two-color screen printing machine workflow:

Prepare the product – plasma softening — dust removal — first screen printing — UV curing — second screen

printing — UV curing — finished product

The advantages of automatic two-color screen printing machine:

1, no environmental pollution, no cleaning agent, high cleaning efficiency, easy and fast cleaning.

2, with a good surfactant, can also activate the surface of the item, improve the surface adhesion,

change the surface.

3, high production efficiency, closed and dust-free production environment.


If you have any customization needs for cosmetic packaging materials, please feel free to contact us at any time. Phone:+8618929613602; Email:

Post time: Jun-07-2024